Global Vision, Local Wisdom


Lead Contact

John Martin

Other Contacts

Easily understood and accessible communication of pension plan information to plan members is vital and our experienced Communications team will work with you and alongside our pension consultants to ensure that your message is delivered to members in a well planned and cost effective manner. We can provide a range of communications services, depending upon your needs and can provide as much or as little support as you need to get your message across.

Member presentations are important whenever changes in pension arrangements are being communicated or whenever a reminder of pension options is needed. No matter how well the background material may have been prepared, there may be no better way to generate interest and greater understanding in pensions than to have an informative member presentation. Our pension consultants can provide a range of presentations, depending upon client requirements, and can provide an impartial external view of pension changes, investment options and retirement planning. Where required, this can be supplemented with one to one "surgeries" to deal with individual queries.

Where employee input is sought before changes are introduced we can assist by facilitating Focus Groups in order to identify key employee issues which will need to be taken into account and can organise Online Surveys in order to establish employee views.

A core element of most communications material is the Member Booklet. We can design member booklets in a range of styles (incorporating the client's corporate look and feel as needed), setting out the key issues in straightforward language for members to understand. This should help members to understand and value the benefits being provided to them.

Regular communications are also important in order to maintain member engagement and we can provide Benefit Statements for both defined benefit and defined contribution pension plans in order to give a helpful guide to a member's potential benefits. Members can also be encouraged to take an interest in the finances and ongoing management of the plan by publishing a Summary Report which gives an abridged version of the annual financial statements and other relevent information such as the investment performance of the funds in an easy to read presentation style.

Increasingly members expect all their communications to be available on-line whenever they want it and we can offer a full range of Web-Based Communications for pension plan sponsors and trustees. We can provide these through our own platform, Pension-Net or we can provide material to include on the client's own intranet.